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Read More About Toshiba

History of Toshiba

Where it all started for us :

1873 – 1890

First steps taken toward creation of Toshiba

In 1873, the Ministry of Engineering, responsible for promoting Japan’s modernization, commissioned Hisashige Tanaka to develop telegraphic equipment. He built a factory in Tokyo in 1875 to accommodate the growing government orders. This was Tanaka Seizo-sho (Tanaka Engineering Works), one of the forerunners of Toshiba.

Separately, in 1878, Ichisuke Fujioka developed Japan’s first arc lamp while studying at the Imperial College of Engineering (now the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Tokyo), under the tutelage of visiting professor William Ayrton. At that time, Japan had to import all of its electric lamps. Fujioka established Hakunetsu-sha Co., Ltd. in 1890 to manufacture light bulbs in Japan.

At Toshiba Tech SA, everything we do is fueled by two key concepts: “Leading Innovation” and the “Human Centric” model. As for Leading Innovation we don’t just say it. We live it. Toshiba spends over US$3.2 billion annually on research and development to bring you the most reliable, cutting-edge products in the world. The Human Concept model means that everything we do is designed for the benefit of you, the customer – you can be assured of that.

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A few Toshiba facts:



Unrivalled level of product and service reliability.
Toshiba’s technology is extensively tried and tested – not just by industry bodies but also by the thousands of customers who rely on its products every day. Toshiba products also have an enviable product uptime rate which, coupled with a fast response rate, ensures that continuity of service is given the highest priority.

All Toshiba service engineers are trained in house by Toshiba, which means that technicians possess a depth of knowledge that is second to none. Remote diagnostic tools reduce operational downtime and allow engineers to review and resolve many issues before arriving on site.

In addition, device monitoring services allow a reactive supply and replenishment of high yield consumables and this, together with extended service cycles, ensures that mission critical devices are available and reliable.


Bespoke solutions to meet specific customer needs.
By making its application programming interface (API) easily accessible, Toshiba provides the opportunity to develop enhanced workflow and business integration to be developed. At the same time, printer drivers, control panels, user interfaces and device software can be modified by users, Toshiba and also made available to third party developers to meet specific application needs.

Toshiba‘s Cloud Ready devices take the concept of flexibility one step further, reflecting the fact that physical location is no longer a hindrance to effective business. Toshiba frees today’s mobile workers to input directly to cloud based applications such as Google Docs with document conversion to editable files including MS Word or MS Excel on the fly, remotely edit and then print to network based devices.


Helping workers access and work on office documents, wherever they may be.
Once true of only salespeople, all types of office workers are now mobile as technology and flexible working practices allow them to work wherever they may be. Toshiba products and solutions fully meet the requirements of today’s increasingly mobile workforce, with its Cloud Ready solution allowing users to access and print their important documents at home, on a client’s site, in an Internet cafe or even at the office!

By utilising its Cloud Ready MFPs and software solutions, Toshiba end users can input, edit & print their documents and photos from a mobile device without installing any printer drivers, while connectors allow easy integration with popular software such as Exchange, SharePoint and Google Docs. This level of accessibility saves time, is highly convenient and results in more efficient and effective communications.

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Responsibility- Toshiba Tech

Taking corporate social responsibilities (CSR) and environmental practice seriously.
As well as being ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 accredited, Toshiba TEC adopts a sustainable approach to the design, manufacture and use of its products. Recycled plastic in exterior panels, longer-lasting consumables and compact designs all are all used to enhance the sustainable qualities of the products.

The company is also happy to have the energy efficiency of its products scrutinised. It counts EnergyStar and Blue Angel amongst the environmental standards that it meets. Toshiba also adheres to the LOT4 voluntary agreement (VA) that aims to minimise environmental impact through design. This is achieved by, for example, enabling the duplex function as the default setting rather than simplex, and having the energy saving mode also set as default.

Twice named among CIO 100 magazine’s top 100 companies

Trust is earned – enquire today with us for your unique requirement.

Talk to a consultant today – Thinking Printers or copiers? Think Toshiba South Africa 


Keeping documents secure over the entire lifetime of their use.
Protection of confidential and vital information has never been more crucial than it is today and this is another reason why Toshiba is trusted by some of the most security conscious organisations in the world.

It is one of only a handful of manufacturers to conform to guidance set out in both ISO 15408 and IEEE 2600, international standards that specifiy the highest levels of hard copy and system security. Toshiba not only meets but exceeds these requirements.

The implementation of self-encrypting hard disk drives (SEDs) in its MFPs further enhances their suitability for business, where the security of confidential data is a growing priority and where compliance with all current legislation, including the Data Protection Act, is now required.

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